PMC Engineering

SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit: The Turn-Key System for Wastewater Depth Measurements

SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit

The SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit is a turn-key system for measuring water or wastewater depth, ideal for sewage applications such as lift station wet wells. Components of the Sewage Lift Station Kit are utilized together to ensure transmitters function to the best ability possible to measure depths. In this article, we go into detail on the SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit and its components.

The SLS01 Sewage Lift Station kit includes 6 components:

1.   1. The VL2000 Submersible Wastewater Level Transmitter is a key part of the SLS Sewage Lift Station Kit. It’s flush-mounted, ceramic diaphragm resists clogging in sewage and protects against damage. Moisture ingress is eliminated by a cable that is injection molded and the sensor is fully potted.


2. With the SW2100 Sink Weight, it anchors transmitters in wet wells or tanks. With 4 pounds of weight, the Sink Weight enables a transmitter to stay in place in the most turbulent conditions.

SW2100 Sink Weight

3.   3. The third component of the Sewage Lift Station is the TE-11 Termination Enclosure. The product terminates the cable from the VL2000 and allows access to the 4-10 mA loop. The TE-11 includes a DIN rail mounted terminal strip for easy connections.

TE-11 Termination Enclosure

4.   4. Included in the TE-11 is also the MP11 Moisture Protection Reference Volume. The MP-11 connects directly to the vent tube of the VL2000 transmitter. It forms a closed loop that ensures the transmitter has a reliable reference to barometric pressure and eliminates the possibility of moisture ingress.

5.   5. Next, we have the SP10 Surge Protector. The SP10 mounts to the DIN rail inside the TE-11 and protects PMC transmitters from voltage spikes and lightning.

6.   6. The CH10 Cable Hanger grips the cable to provide support for the transmitter, cable, and sink weight.

CH10 Cable Hanger

Cable Hanger With Transmitter and Sink Weight


In conclusion, the SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit provides the essential components to ensure the VL2000 Submersible Wastewater Transmitter is easy to install in sewage and wastewater applications. With these components, measure pressure and depth with the advanced turn-key solution.


PMC-STS, Inc. is a recognized leader of innovative measurement solutions developing transmitters and transducers for pressure, level, vacuum, and other measurands since 1963. The company is proud of its US made products and manufacturing facility where it continuously provides innovative products to service the needs of diverse industries such as water and wastewater, aerospace, automotive, oil and gas, and the papermaking industry.

Interested in learning more about the SLS01 Sewage Lift Station Kit can be applicable to your application needs? Contact us today.